
Your Gateway To The World!

Efficient and Quality Sourcing

Why Choose India2B?

Tap into the enormous International market! is a gateway to connect with this substantial consumer base, giving your business unprecedented access to a world of opportunities.

Join a platform with a wide network of potential buyers looking for quality products like yours. Expand your reach across diverse industries.

Our user-friendly platform ensures a hassle-free listing process. Showcase your products/services in minutes and start connecting with buyers instantly.

Experience Peace of Mind with Secure Escrow Payments on Safeguard Your Transactions, Release Funds Upon Satisfaction, and Build Trust with Our Reliable Escrow Service.

Our Escrow Payment System ensures that your funds are held securely until both parties fulfill their obligations. This safeguards your transactions from potential risks, fraud, or misunderstandings, ensuring a smooth and secure trading experience.

We value trust. Benefit from a platform that rigorously verifies buyers and sellers, fostering a secure environment for fruitful transactions.

Clear communication is key to successful trade. Our user-friendly interface allows you to interact with suppliers, discuss product details, negotiate terms, and establish strong business relationships.


Frequently Asked Questions

You can register by filling out the seller registration form below. Ensure you provide all required business details and documentation.
You can sell a variety of products across categories such as electronics, fashion, machinery, and more. Each category may have specific guidelines which can be found on our platform.
Our fee structure includes a listing fee and a commission on each sale. Detailed fee information is available in your seller dashboard. oversees logistics, but sellers also have the flexibility to arrange their own shipping solutions.

Our return policy is outlined in the seller agreement. Generally, returns are accepted within a specific period for defective or incorrectly described products.
We have a resolution center to help manage disputes between buyers and sellers. It is advised to handle issues promptly and professionally to maintain a good service rating.
Yes, offers various marketing tools and services, including featured listings and promotional campaigns, to increase your visibility and sales.

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