 Kranti 20 mm KBM Domestic Water Meter is a water meter which helps you to know the exact amount of water used in your house. It can be used for metering the water consumed from any source, such as municipal supply, bore well or private tank
 The Kranti Domestic Water Meter is an electronic device which measures the quantity of water supplied and sends the signal to a register which displays the consumption. It also gives alarms if there is any excess consumption or if there are leaks in your house
 The float measures how much water has passed through the meter since it was last calibrated. The float is attached to a rod that moves up and down as water passes through it. The movement of this rod causes an internal mechanism to rotate and record how much water has passed through the meter since it was last calibrated
 The dial registers how much water has passed through the meter over time. This dial can be read manually or electronically using an electronic reader that connects directly to your computer and displays information about your home’s usage onscreen
 Water meters are devices that measure the amount of water that flows through them. The most common type of water meter is the flow-through water meter, which is connected to the mains supply and measures the volume of water passing through it